Okay, that’s about enough of winter. While there have been a couple of thaws along the way, this has been one of those old-fashioned cold ones. Cold enough to freeze the River across its width in many places, reportedly even in the US Narrows, which is unusual. The good news is that this should reduce evaporation and lake effect which can only help with water levels.
Thanks to Peter Grevelding, Dave Fownes and Steve Jarvis who all correctly identified last month’s scene as Jones Creek, taken a couple of days after one of two ice storms this winter has brought us. For those who don’t know it, the 1000 Islands National Park has opened an extensive system of trails here that will let you explore this exquisite nature preserve, year round.

Access has not yet been widely discovered, but near the eastern end of the Parkway, look for a small parking area on the north side, opposite Browns Bay Provincial Park. If it’s summer, you can cross the street after your walk for a refreshing swim at Browns Bay, which offers the finest beach along the Canadian side.
So, after a couple of months of winter scenes, it’s time to start dreaming about summer, particularly because spring is less than seven weeks away. In deference to the realities of the season, I’ll stick with a white theme, but introduce a little more green.
There are a few magical spots on the River that really say “Thousand Islands” to me, visually. Places I have returned to shoot repeatedly in an attempt to capture a few of the countless moods the River gifts us, if we’re paying attention. This is one of those places. It has been my desktop picture since I took it.
If you know where this is, please share the location and/or any comments or stories this scene brings to mind.
Ian Coristine
Download wide-angle version
Jennifer posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
This is a long shot....but it reminds me of an island on the south side of the Brockville Narrows and the sloping rock where we would enter the water to dive a shipwreck schooner named Lillie Parsons ..maybe?... Been a long time since I've been up there and this probably just jogged a memory.......
Tom Rasbeck posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
Thank you so very much. What a wonderful shot. So tranquil.
Catherine Van Sickle posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
Excellent job as always.
Michael Willis-O'Connor posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
I have to agree with Tom that this is Sparrow Island looking west up the channel, if there wasn't any fog we could see Battersby I. and de Rottenburg off in the distance. Sometimes a good fishing spot right here, some monster small mouth at the far corner of the island. Our cottage is just across the channel on the Canadian side on McDonald Point. John S. do you agree??
Peter Clarke posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
South East shoreline of Yeo Island; Cleopatra Island to picture's right (out of sight). "Fancy Rock" in mist (Ball & Zavicon beyond).
Tony Krivitski posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
Good Morning Ian, I want to say that is your neighbouring Island to the west of you, Princess? On the north side looking west.
Dave Fownes posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
What a serene shot of pine and granite shores...I'd bet my tiara on Princess Island!
posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
Can't say where this photo was taken, but I recognize that you have shown this location before.
Russ Hauser posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
This is definitely one of my favorites I can smell the air and the river!! Great job as always, Ian!
Martha Hosey posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
This almost looks like the upstream end of Needle Island but the foreground doesn't seem right.
Monty Billings posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
Wonderful image, Ian. The rock formation looks a lot like what we called The Point located on the NW side of Murray Isle. I'm being PC here. Actually Murray was populated mostly by folks from NY and they called our side the back side of Murray. Sorry about that. :)
David E. Scott posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
Beautiful image!! Bravo Ian!
Denis Duchesne posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
Great photos, awesome website for those of us who have a love of the Islands!
Gary Meagher posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
Been a River friend 60 years
Gary Meagher posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
What a beautiful shot! I love every color of lichen. Absolutely stunning.
Daniel Mossien, Woronoco Island posted on: Saturday, February 01, 2014
I agree with some of the others -- looks like what I remember of Princess (Brown) Island to me! Is the artist's studio still there?
Pamela Lyon posted on: Sunday, February 02, 2014
I have a hunch that this shoreline is Cleopatra Island. Canadian waters, near Zavikon Island and Mary Island State Park.
Rich Calabrese, Jr posted on: Sunday, February 02, 2014
Thought maybe you were testing Jack here on this one, Ian. You had snuck up-river and snapped one of our lichen covered granite ledges sloping down easily into the river as it/they do at so many lovely locations river wide, but I cannot identify it. So if it's up-river ... kudos, Ian, KUDOS. But I think not. More likely it's near you. I had at first thought the gap between Ramsden Island and Wyoming (on Canadian upriver side of Ramsden) but the trees don't match. LOVE the orange lichens. Lichens as many likely know will not survive pollution. There are none in NYC, for instance. C'mon lichens! Wahoo! Jack
Jack Patterson, Axeman Island posted on: Sunday, February 02, 2014
I thought immediately of Picnic Island, Thousand Islands National Park in the Brockville Narrows. Another great place to walk is the old Parks Canada campground @ 1276 1000 Islands Parkway.
posted on: Monday, February 03, 2014
I don't know where this beautiful spot is but I only wish I was drifting by it now. Thanks so much for these beautiful reminders of where we all hope to return after we try to enjoy another winter.
Ed Detor posted on: Monday, February 03, 2014
Appears to be the North side of the 1st of the twin Islands coming west from Brockville
posted on: Monday, February 03, 2014
Another gorgeous photo precipitates a flood of delightful brain chemicals. I'm not sure I have this right either. It does appear as if looking up river in the Brockville Narrows. The largest certainly similar to the one used to exit the water after jumping from the cliff for channel marker on Stovin Island. However, I'm not sure the tree leaning over the water looks right. Great to look out the window and see the river completely frozen over and then looked back at my desktop at this wonderful image.
Stephen Sarfaty posted on: Friday, February 14, 2014