It seems I have been overly tough on you. Two months in a row the images have stumped everyone. In truth, last month’s image was particularly difficult, because the view is limited and shares no definitive landmarks.

It’s a place cherished by locals, but not as well known to the majority of Islanders, partly because it is situated towards the eastern end of the region, but also because the waters here are treacherous to the uninitiated, littered with shallows, rocks and shoals just waiting to claim another victim.
This is the eastern end of Chippewa Bay, a quiet and particularly beautiful part of the River. There’s a wonderfully photogenic grouping of islands here I’ve enjoyed sharing in all of my books, best appreciated from the air. From that perspective, they look like a naval convoy sailing on the same heading, all carved into narrow, parallel shapes by the glaciers of several ice ages.
Chippewa Bay is gorgeous from water level too, especially on a cold fall dawn like this one, when the stored summer warmth of the River is being released as sea smoke into a particularly cold morning’s air.
Due to the severity of the last two month’s challenges, I’ll make life a lot easier for you this month. It may not yet look like Christmas on the River, but the calendar tells us it’s coming, so I’ll share this scene which many of you will recognize, even if most of you have never seen it looking quite like this. My hope is that it jogs your memory for an interesting story you might share with us. As always, the best will receive a set of six 8 x 10 Thousand Islands prints.
Happy Holidays,
Ian Coristine
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The point at the opening of Swan Bay? A beautiful photo…makes me wish I were up there right now…
Kim Sanford posted on: Monday, November 30, 2009
I'm guessing that this month's photo is also of Kring Point area. It is looking to the ESE as the subn rises and lifts the early morning "sea smoke" from the water. I'm told that the original Americans thought of the sea smoke as spirits of the deceased walking on the water. The pine trees are leaning away from the privailing southwesterlies. Goose Bay is in the back groune. The structure suggests a State Park sign. The foreground may be Little Erin or Little Delight Island. I favor Little Delight. I visited it this summer when National Grid was doing safety checks on the power supplies. The island was for sale at that time. A very unique location. GREAT photo!! Thanks again.
Dick Withington posted on: Monday, November 30, 2009
The picture could have been taken from the south side of Raleigh, (your) Island, just to the south of your cottage, & the "immediate" south of your chairs, (your "dining room") could be!
Mary Sherlock posted on: Monday, November 30, 2009
My guess is your going to win again! It isn't Yellowstone N P likely but maybe the only reason I think so is that those surely look to be river White Pines. The roiled waters on the far side of the 'point' in the photo may not even be roiled but if so could be somewhere on the Canadian side amongst narrows where water speeds up or some location which I don't know of where a stream might enter and roil the water. You rascal. I'm going to go with Yellowstone upon reflection!P S We had our second island wedding this summer on Axeman- sister Kathie and husband Dan the first! My daughter, Breyer and marvelous guy, Rob Barkman. Do you do wedding announcements, Ian? Breyer, being my daughter- also being our beloved grandparent's (last) name; they who we owe who purchased Axeman in 1926 from the Brenneman/Runyan folks of Leek, other islands, and The Golden Apple restaurant in Gananoque. Wahoo!Thank you, Ian!
Jack Patterson posted on: Monday, November 30, 2009
This is beautiful picture.
posted on: Tuesday, December 01, 2009
I don’t have a tale but it’s a gorgeous photo!
Stephanie Dunbar, Brockville, Ontario posted on: Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Thank you for your beautiful pictures
Jim Hendler posted on: Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Looks like the Catholic Church in Rockport, ON.
James L. posted on: Monday, February 01, 2010
Thank you for this beautiful picture of my church that I grew up attending...It is Saint brendan's catholic church down in Rockport...growing up in Lansdowne, Ontario we would often go there for mass....So glad i came across this!!! Please keep the beautiful pics coming!!
Jessica posted on: Tuesday, January 04, 2011