It’s hard to slip one by eagle-eyed Bud Andress. He immediately recognized the location of last month’s wallpaper with Great Lake Swimmers performing on a flea-bitten barge in the middle of the River during the filming of “Ballad of a Fisherman’s Wife.”

"The March 2013 Wallpaper shows the musical ensemble westbound about to pass to the north of the green navigational light at the Punts Islands. The Punts, named by island surveyor Owen in 1816, include the main island and Isles 34b, c, d, e, and f. The large land mass in the background is Thwartway Island (also known locally as Leek Island), part of St. Lawrence Islands National Park. (The National Park is about to go through a name change after 109 years - to become "Thousand Islands National Park").
As described by Susie Smith in her book "The First Summer People," punts were small utility boats used during the early island surveys which would be used by the crew in shallow water for rowing between ships. She also notes that the 0.8 acre main island was originally valued at $10 in 1873 by island surveyor Unwin and was later sold in 1904 for $220. This particular green flashing navigation light is an important dog's leg turn in the eastern end of the Leek Island Channel, a segment of the Canadian Middle Channel."
- Bud Andress, Hill Island, Ontario.
Thanks Bud. I think you’ve won the prints before, so the 3 poster scenes are heading your way.
Please don’t forget to put Friday, June 14th on your calendar. Great Lake Swimmers will be performing that night from the deck of the tall ship Fair Jeanne in Brockville’s harbor, just one of 13 tall ships the city will host that weekend as part of the War of 1812 celebrations. You’re unlikely to ever see this many tall ships together in the 1000 Islands again, so don’t waste this opportunity.
Spring has definitely sprung on the River. Huge flocks of geese are honking high overhead, with lots more on the water. The ships are underway and the snow is all but gone. With that in mind, I thought I’d warm everyone up for River time with this month’s scene.
A set of six prints goes out to the best story that this scene from my third book prompts. If you can ID the location, so much the better, but it's obscure enough that it isn't required.
Ian Coristine
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This looks like the little boat house on Psyche Is.
Sue Killen posted on: Monday, April 01, 2013
Great image Ian... and you caught me. I remember seeing this little hut but I can't remember where - unless it is in the bay at the mouth of Jones Creek. Others will certainly know exactly where. The view is looking southwesterly in the early morning of a beautiful early summer day... at least that is my guess...
posted on: Monday, April 01, 2013
Hi Ian. Yes of course this is at Jones Creek. Right opposite the remains of the old bridge used to access Sifton Point. I recall my late mother saying that the cottage (I believe undergoing some renovation at this time) used to be a store. The garage was part of the same property. Clearly teetering on the brink these days!
Graeme sifton posted on: Monday, April 01, 2013
While searching through your book "The Thousand Islands," sure enough, there is the picture! When we bought the book, it took two viewings to realize that your picture was a reflection! It will only be a few weeks before our family finds its way back to "The Foot" of Wolfe Island. Thanks so much for the Winter Wallpaper!! Right now it is snowing like mad in Cortland, NY. No April Fool....honest.
Mike Stapleton posted on: Monday, April 01, 2013
Ian, It is amazing to me to see the river when the wind is calm and the water is a perfect reflector. It's a rare treat, especially since the wind and waves are almost always present.
Dave Scott posted on: Tuesday, April 02, 2013
This is MY view, over Ian and Molly's collective heads to the Garside compound, indeed at the mouth of Jones Creek.
Diana Earle posted on: Wednesday, April 03, 2013
That is the old customs house that Uncle Ian (Ritson) towed back from somewhere and dragged up on the far end (down river- N. East) of Axeman next to the old "Bee", Nana and Bampy's first boat. See how it isn't locked! I would know it anywhere! Would that the customs were as simple these days. I remember my grandfather attempting (in the nineteen fifties) to 'finesse' the U.S. customs one summer night with merely a wave as he slowed some on his way to the Watertown airport- "Just going to the airport here with my grandson," he says. Old...Mohawk Airlines- "Go hawk, slow hawk..." as Lenny Bruce once intoned. Needless to say, customs officials appropriately stopped him and admonished him. "You know, Mr. Breyer, you need always to stop and report." And it was this little house out of which they then (or earlier) operated. I went thru Canada customs last summer as we needed roll roofing for a large shed roof. Couldn't get it in Canada. As I returned with the roofing, I was waived in to report. I departed my truck and immediately smelled propane...I approached a line up (seated there as usual) of very H U G E and heavily armed men. Mostly they seemed to ignore me. Not to be intimidated as i know the dangers of propane gas, I spoke up again, more assertively. One finally responded as to their awareness of the gas. I went inside to do my business. More huge people, heavily armed. Gives me the willies/creeps! As I stood in line one of the H.H.A.M.(P.) - from outside...came in and asked me for my vehicle's keys. He said they would search my truck. Egad, egad, egad! Is it ONLY officials can smell propane gas at the Canada customs station at border where US 81 approaches Canada and the highway crosses our 1938 bridge and twice spanning our once majestic St Lawrence? We have come to this-them, I/we, see them also roaming around even at night in their little rubber boats w. a mount for a machine gun, it looks. This is startling don't you think? More to come - especially about (un-named) a local hero who sped off and said (to a gang of such as above...around midnight or in the A.M.), "Gentlemen thank you for showing me the light, Good Night!", and their boss was overheard then to give these, 'marauders', really in their several intimidating boats unholy hell for bothering this wonderful lady and told them- switch off their sirens, floodlights, loudhailers and get the bloody--- out of there! "O gun at sea! O bells that in the steeples be!" Wahoo!
Jack Patterson posted on: Sunday, April 07, 2013